maandag 26 mei 2014

Barbados 8

This week was great! and also by far too
short, but that seems to be every single week lately. Met a great guy
with a most troubled past. Just imagine a sin and this man has
committed it somewhere along the lines of his 72 year old existence.
He realize it has not brought him anything, besides pain and sadness.
Makes him want to search more seriously towards what does give
fulfillment, something that lasts. Well good thing we bring the Good
News right. I testify that every possession we got here, will at
one point perish. The only thing you can keep is "you". All we ever do
in this life is being "stored" (kind og like a computer) into our
being. Then at the last day we will be able to witness who we have
become. For to God is far more important to noticed who you have
become than what you have done. Our actions are merely an indication
of our identity. If we have become what we are intended to be, which
is exalted through Christ, we can abide in an eternal happiness. How
wonderful does that sound :) The most wonderful part of it all is: you
choose your destiny. As I believe President Monson, the Prophet, has
said: "Decision determine destiny". To make the right decisions you
first need to know the choice. For without law no man can be judged.
The choice at the end of the day is either "liberty and eternal life,
through the great Mediator of all" or "captivity and death" (you can
make a guess through who that comes to pass). The only way that you
know how to make these decisions is by reading the scriptures. The
scriptures teach us "what men must do to obtain peace in this life and
eternal salvation in the life to come". So read your scriptures!
That's what outlines the way (or rod) that leads to eternal life. If
you don't have scriptures ask the missionaries, we hand it out like
With love,
Elder Thomas Bechan

maandag 19 mei 2014

Barbados 7

Lieve vriendjes and vriendinnetjes,

Weeks just fly by. Never have I enjoyed something as much as this experience that I am having. Almost in the literal sense of the meaning, I feel in heaven. Simply there are no worries, my mind is not troubled by anything. Nothing can hold me back and no one can tie me down. I feel free in the service of my God. People say: "Time flies when you're having fun" well it's more of a "Time flies with the speed of sound when you're on a mission". Make me feel sad that one day it will end. Sometimes wish I could keep going, never stop. I testify that doing the right thing, which means as priesthood holders to serve a mission, is the most rewarding, satisfying and glorious thing you can do. Nothing matches up to how I feel now, to how I experience life right now. It truly is the "best two years". 
To everybody, boys and girls, that have served missions I want to invite to dig out your old journals and relife it for a bit. Catch that wonderful spirit again, then call the missionaries and go life it, start flying. Yo ucan feel as if you are walking on a cloud agina.
On boys and girls who can serve a mission: Go fill out your papers. What are you waiting for? Don't miss out.
Ekder Thmomas Bechan

maandag 12 mei 2014

Barbados 6

Dear friends,

The Lord has worked through me this week. I testify of that, I was able to discover for myself how to receive pure revelation from the Lord. Not halve answers to problems, not guessing what could be correct. Direct unmistakable answers. The answers and words were as clear in my mind as these words are as clear on your computer screen. I have been pondering what my zone needs to improve here on Barbados. The idea missionaries have in our mission is that Barbados is "hard". So time to lift spirits and understand the greater purpose of God's work on this island. A story in the November Liahona kind of illustrates the purpose. It was given in a talk to the Relief Society by a Sister (don't know the lady's name of the top of my head). It spoke about a Shepherd calling in his five sheep. Four came running at the call of his voice. One didn't. This sheep was given away by her previous owner because she would always go astray. So the new shepherd tied her down, so she wouldn't run away and that slowly showed the sheep that he cared. In the story the sheep is no longer bound, but only has a little rope tied around the neck. I believe the one sheep didn't come running because she didn't trust the shepherd. She also didn't stay put because she was afraid something along the way could hurt she. The reason why I believe the Sheep stayed put was because the sheep thought it was still pinned down. The illusion of the rope around the neck made the sheep think she was still bound. So the shepherd lovingly walked to his sheep, petted her on the head and walked her inside the barn. 
Are we responding to the call of the Shepherd? Or do we believe we are still bound? Do we believe that miracles can happen or do we think that missionary work is "hard"? My dear friends please be better than a sheep. Don't "tie yourself down" by saying things as: "it is too hard", "I can't do it". When you do this you "handcuff" God. You tell Him I don't want a miracle. Faith proceeds the miracle. Please move forward, respond to the call of the Good Shepherd, there in lies safety and peace. I testify that the Lord loves you and that He is our Shepherd and we are his sheep. Trust Him, love him. There in is true joy.
With love,
Elder Thomas Bechan