maandag 3 maart 2014

St Lucia 23

Lieve vriendjes and vriendinnetje,

Today is yet another Monday, time goes by too fast. Makes me almost afraid of blinking my eyes. I think everybody who ever served a mission will agree with me on this one: It's the best experience I have ever had in my entire life. As missionaries in my zone describe it: "I radiate happiness", I feel happiness. It's really hard to describe how it feels, even impossible I think. Unless you experienced it before, feeling the Spirit of God working trough you is something you can only understand if you know how it feels. Otherwise it's like trying to explain how salt tastes to somebody that has never tasted salt. Please try it, you cannot. That's kind of the same with the Gospel. You need to experience it! me telling you what I know is not going to help you. As missionaries we invite all day long. For only then can you taste salt for yourself. By just looking at a spoon full you're not going to understand the taste, nor by trying to smell it. Same with Gospel. By watching me you can see the beauty it brings into my life. By reading how happy I am, you may think it really works. But only when you taste will you know for your self. So go do something, read the Book of Mormon, go to church or even as simple as pray. Just do it.
Well that's all out of time I guess! Know that I love all of you!
Elder Thomas Bechan

One more thing that makes this mission the best in the entire world: in march it still feels like Christmas! This week I received a package from my wonderful homeward Zoetermeer! You brothers and sisters are the best! Made me feel like it was Christmas all over again. Really loved the card, thank you very much!

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