maandag 21 april 2014

Barbados 4

Lieve vriendjes and vriendinnetjes,

What a week, o what a week! We had a baptism, Shamar got baptized!!! Oh YEAH. Had was kind of nervous which made me nervous. He asked me to baptize him. Because of lack of time I'll share something short. One investigator this week had difficulties with repenting. He felt that he hasn't repented yet because he didn't feel great sorrow and grief. Elder Hale and I where pondering and praying what we might find something that could help him. We tried to explain it to him but it didn't really seemto get into his mind. Elder Hale decided that next time we would watch a talk by Craig Cardon of the Seventy: "The Lord want to forgive". During this talk I felt I needed to grab my scriptures and open up to the D&C section 58 verses 42-43. In here in the Lord declares what it means to truly repent. "He will confess his sins and forsake them". That's all the Lord requires. After reading this with our investigator his burden seemed to just fall of his shoulder. His guilt (of not having guilt) was taken away. It is marvelous to recognize how the Lord's hand influences my life. He is just there, helping me, showing me what to do. I am working in his "vineyard" and he knows everything. All I need to do now is listen and follow his command. Usually it comes in form of an idea or thought, a feeling or just common sense. However it comes it is good to realize that it is the Lord telling you something instead of boasting of yourself. By myself I am, virtually, capable of doing nothing pertaining to doing missionary work, or work in general. I rely on help, divine help. Which always comes as long as I allow it. This truly helps me to not get frustrated or irritated when I am not able of doing something. I just take a deep breath, pray and then practice. It will always work out.
My dear friends, try to recognize the Lord's hand in your life. See it and learn to rely on it. That's when you learn to invite the Lord even more in your life. I testify that is a great way to receive more blessings in your life.
With love,
Elder Thomas Bechan

Shamar Baptized!‏

Celebrating Shamar's baptism‏

went zipp lining‏

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